Kite Tales: Life Stories by Emogene Yates
$ 12.95
Click here to order from Amazon.com Emogene Yates grew up on the windy plains of Kansas where kite-flying was one of her only enjoyable activities. She lived in poverty through the dust bowl and the Great Depression, helping her gain an awareness and an empathy for how people endure suffering and survive. She uses the symbol of a kite tail to connect her life stories because she has become aware that each phase of her life, filled with many different experiences, are all tied together and have enabled her to fly. Through her stories we gain insight into how she became the strong, wise, humorous and loving octogenarian she is today. The book, filled with many personal historical photos, is set up in 3 sections: Kansas Kite Tales, California Kite Tales, Kite Tale Musings. The last section contains her original poetry and prose. This is a book of short stories that can be read from cover to cover, or by flipping through the book to find a story that jumps out at you. In whatever way you decide to read this book, you will come away feeling that you know the author, can relate to her experiences, enjoy her humor, and benefit from her wisdom. Click here to read about Emogene | Click here to read the Introduction | Click here to order from Amazon.com.
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