About Us

To provide products that heal, empower and help to cultivate
a peaceful and harmonious inner and outer world.
Carol Hansen Grey is a Reiki Master Teacher whose passion is make the world a more peaceful and harmonious place by helping people love and empower themselves. She does this through her books, CDs and other products, through her personal empowerment mentoring, through the projects she supports, through her graphic design and web development.
In 1996 she first produced her Lighten Up audio tape (currently available as a CD) and began traveling around the United States and Canada with her husband, Victor Grey, teaching their Lighten Up workshop, a healing process that brings you into a state of unconditional love of yourself. In 1997 she initiated the World Peace Experiment Victor and in 1998 the published their Free Yourself from Fear audio tape (now available as a CD). From 2000-2004 Carol served as the Executive Director of Women of Vision and Action, a 501c3 organization, through which she initiated the Athena Wisdom Exchange Mentoring Program (AWE), the Feminine Face of Leadership Conference, and the international Gather the Women movement. Also in 2004 Carol agreed to serve on a core team of women to promote a 5th Women's World Conference and developed a website for that purpose (5WWC.org). In 2009 she developed a sister site to further the goals (5WCW.org).
With her husband she co-founded Open Heart Press publishing company in 1995 and their web development business, CustomDynamic.net, in 2000.
In January 2009 Carol published Simple Healing Tools on the Path to Personal Empowerment and Inner Peace and designed and developed SimpleHealingTools.com. In 2010 Carol designed her Personal Empowerment Deck as a companion to her Simple Healing Tools book. She also designed her Personal Empowerment Path website.
In July 2010 she was contracted by the Foundation for Inner Peace to design a graphical ACIM Weekly Thought to be mailed every Sunday to subscribers (now numbering over 17,000).
In 2011 Carol developed her Open Heart Blog published a specialty book entitled A Year of ACIM Weekly Thoughts with all proceeds being donated to support the Foundation for Inner Peace (Click here to preview the entire book.) In September 2011 she authored and published her first Kindle ebook through Amazon.com: How Do I Love Myself: Learn a Magical 5 Minute-a-Day Process. This was the first in a planned series of "How Do I" ebooks. In 2012 Carol published the second ebook in her "How Do I" series: "How Do I Create Peace Within Myself and in the World?"
In 2017 Carol published her Know You Are Loved book and in 2018 she published her Empower Yourself Now! Pocketbook Coloring Journal.
More information about Carol can be found on her website at carolhansengrey.com.