7-Steps to Personal Empowerment Card Special (20)
$ 4.99 $ 10.00
Sold in sets of 20 cards for the special sale price of $4.99, this 7-Steps to Personal Empowerment card is perfect to carry in your pocket or purse (or to give away to friends, associates and even strangers) as a constant reminder of the Seven Steps to Personal Empowerment:
1. Love Yourself,
2. Free Yourself from Fear,
3. Work Your Joy,
4. Tell the Truth,
5. Let Go of Judgments,
6. Stay in the Now
7. Be Grateful.
On the back side of the card is an empowerment prayer.
Mother-Father God
I acknowledge that
I am that I am,
the physical manifestation of
your Divine Love.
As that physical manifestation
shines forth, creating a positive
ripple effect in the world,
it reminds me to love, honor,
respect and remember,
with gratitude,
who I Am.
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