Heeding the Urgent Message from Mother CD Closeout Special
$ 5.00 $ 12.00
Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen’s Closing Keynote Address at the 3rd International Women’s Peace Conference in Dallas, Texas on July 13, 2007.
This is the inspiring call to action to “gather the women and save the world” that was interrupted by applause and got a standing ovation. Jean spoke spontaneously, quietly and yet passionately to women in the audience from all over the world. Listening to the CD, it is as if Jean is speaking directly to the individual listener as well as addressing a large audience. This is a CD to listen to and share for information and inspiration. It can be the seed idea that leads to the forming of more circles with a spiritual center.
Jean is an internationally known author, Jungian analyst and clinical professor at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco. Of her ten books, her best known and most translated is Goddesses in Everywoman. In The Millionth Circle, she proposes that women’s circles with a sacred center can accelerate humanity’s shift into a post-patriarchal era. In Urgent Message From Mother, she describes how this can come about through reaching a tipping point. The suffragette and women’s movement have taught us that when women gather together, tell the truth of their lives and have their perceptions and aspirations supported by others, that it has actually changed the world. Her website is JeanBolen.com.
This CD produced by Open Heart Press contains 23 tracks for easy listening and reference.
(Length: 58 min. 42 sec.)
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